共发表论文40余篇,其中6篇被SCI收录,4篇被EI收录。 1.Zhou G, Liu H, He J, Yuan Y, Yuan Z. The occurrence of Bacillus cereus, B. thuringiensis and B. mycoides in Chinese pasteurized full fat milk, Int. J. Food Microbiol. 2008, 121(2):195-200.(SCI收录) 2.Guoping Zhou, Cai Quanxin, Zheng Dasheng, Xiaohui Zhou, Zhiming Yuan. The residual occurrences of Bacillus thuringiensis biopesticides in food and beverages. Int J of Food Microbiol. 2008,127(1-2):68-72.(SCI收录) 3.Zhou G, Zheng D, Dou L, Cai Q, Yuan Z.. Occurrence of psychrotolerant Bacillus cereus group strains in ice creams. Int J of Food Microbiol. 2010,137(2-3):143-6.(SCI收录) 4.Zhou G, Bester K, Liao B, Yang Z, Jiang R, Hendriksen NB.Characterization of three Bacillus cereus strains involved in a major outbreak of food poisoning after consumption of fermented black beans (Douchi) in Yunan, China.Foodborne Pathog Dis. 2014 Oct;11(10):769-74. Epub 2014 Sep 4.(SCI收录) 5.Zhi Guoliu, Guoliang Fang, Qi Li,Guoping Zhou,Rui Li,Yunjie Fu,He Li,Shen Qu. Detection of Bacillus cereus containing voitoxin in food by Loop-Mediated Isothermal method. Journal of Food Safety, 2011,31(3):313-319.(SCI收录) 6.Yan C, Huang T, Xu Y, Zhou G, Zou P, Zeng G, Liu X. Genetic and genomic diversity of NheABC locus from Bacillus, strains[J]. Archives of Microbiology, 2017, 199(5):775-785.(SCI收录) 7.吴阿宝,黄庭轩,杨祖顺等.绿茶饮料污染菌人参土芽孢杆菌的鉴定和分析[J].食品与发酵工业,2017,43(9):124-129. 8.黄庭轩,赵梦馨,周帼萍等.利用recA基因序列分析鉴定云南酵米面中伯克霍尔德菌属分离株[J].中国食品卫生杂志,2017,29(5):526-533. 9.周帼萍,梁 全,黄庭轩等.云南省文山州广南县吊浆粑食物中毒事件的病原学分析[J].中国食品卫生杂志,2017,29(1):72-76. 10.纪明淮,高 雯,周帼萍.经辐照杀菌的无菌袋中耐辐照微生物分离与鉴定[J].食品科学2016,37(22):205-209. (EI收录) 11.童 迅;高 雯;黄庭轩;周帼萍. 浓缩果汁中耐热霉菌的测定[J].食品科学2016,37(20):197-202. (EI收录) 12.李盈颖,高 雯, 周帼萍. 山西老陈醋样品的污染微生物分析[J].食品科学2016,,37(12):226-231.(EI收录) 13.高 雯,胡晓敏,周帼萍.PET瓶装无气天然矿泉水中污染菌及其系统进化分析[J].食品科学2016,37(6): 196-201.(EI收录) 14.张 翼,陈雅蘅,周帼萍,杨祖顺. 克罗诺杆菌(原阪崎肠杆菌)的生物膜检测和药敏性分析. 食品科学 2015, 36(21):129-134 15.窦玉淼,张 飞,张 翼,陈雅蘅,周帼萍*.武汉市售茶中两种食源性致病菌的检测与分析[J].食品科学, 2015,.36(10):195-200. 16.周帼萍,Niels Bohse Hendriksen, Kai Bester, 刘 勇, 杨祖顺. 一蜡样芽孢杆菌食物中毒分离株的表型和基因型[J].中国食品卫生杂志,2015,27(1):10-14.
17. 赵梦馨,周帼萍,黄庭轩等.唐菖蒲伯克霍尔德氏菌三种鉴定方法的比较[J].中国酿造,2018,37(11):56-61. 18. 万经,赵炜,崔颖等.基于PubMLST数据库分析蜡样芽胞杆菌群的遗传学[J].中国酿造,38(5):164-168. 19. 朱寒冰,明瑞虎,张媛等.市售草莓腐败菌的分离鉴定及拮抗酵母的筛选[J].食品工业科技,2020,41(1):98-104. 20. 王小曼,赵炜,李诗瑶等.PubMLST数据库克洛诺杆菌中外分离株的分型比较[J].中国酿造,2020,39(4):165-170.